Intelligently-Designed, Edible

and Heirloom Garden Systems

El Dorado

The El Dorado was inspired by ancient temple ruins, with three tiers ascending to a brass rising sun trellis. The symmetric utilization of space and vertical stacking allows for each plant's differing soil-preference environments while still enabling sunlight to reach each species, as well as easier tracking of future crop/plant rotations. (See Services to learn more about some of the complexities of successful, chemical-free gardening). The front faces South, so that each side is planted with Eastern-sun favoring and Western-sun favoring plants respectively. Squashes and/or flowers planted in the lower section spill over the edges and cascade down to the earth. Drier-soil favoring plants thrive in the middle tier. The uppermost, middle section does especially well for tomatoes and plants with deep taproots.
For further enjoyment of outdoor activities (especially for children), you can opt for the back side of the El Dorado to be used as an outdoor game rack. A chalkboard with a mason jar holder (for chalk) is used to keep game scores. A golf/croquet equipment set & rack come attached as well as a pop-out corn hold stand can double as an outdoor tray stand for drinks or food. Above the corn hole stand sits removable ring-toss pegs, included with 5 rope rings.
Length (Front to Back) = 6 ft, 6 in Width (Side to Side) = 6 ft, 6 in Height (Ground Level to Highest Tier) = 4 ft, 5 in
Example Prices
We don't know what you have in mind for your design yet, but we can give you and idea of the listing the two extreme ends of the spectrum 'Bare Bones' & 'Bells and Whistles' for each Model's 'Chore Level' (frequency of watering). See below.

BASIC STRUCTURE ONLY: No Stain, No Sealant, No Corner Moulding, No Soil, No Mulch, No Plants
Wood Choice: Pressure - Treated Wood
PERMANENT! Non-mobile
Bells &

PRIME & FULLY LOADED: Stain, Sealant, Cast Iron Corner Moulding, Soil, Mulch, Plants
Wood Choice: Cypress or Cedar
Mobile, Self-Contained
El Dorado

Bells &