Intelligently-Designed, Edible

and Heirloom Garden Systems


The Cinderella model is our most elegant model to date. It contains three tiers of octagons made of cedar panels, with an overhead pergola for climbing vines. Brass hooks in the pergola canopy are used to string solar lighting globes, or can be used to hang housing for beneficial pollinators or hummingbird feeders. The first tier is used for plants requiring moister soil conditions, and the second tier is used for plants preferring drier soils. The third, uppermost tier encircles a brass 'irrigation fountain', which when turned on resembles a water fountain as the droplets of water cause the plants to dance and 'ripple'.
This is truly unique and gorgeous garden or yard showpiece that will provide delight and beauty for every new season's blooms. A copper wire runs beneath the first tier's trim boards to prevent slugs or other pests from getting into the Bed. This would be a wonderful garden bed to decorate for all holidays or sit aside an outdoor dining table & chair set. For those interested in growing from seed or planting in young seedlings, the fountain overhead irrigation provides a more appropriate method of irrigation for the first few weeks. This irrigation fountain can either be manually turned on as desired or used with a water timer for daily water shows. This model's main irrigation is 100% automated.
Length (Front to Back) = 7 ft, 6 in Width (Side to Side) = 7 ft, 6 in Height (Ground Level to Arbor) = 6 ft, 6 in
Height (Ground Level to 1st tier) = 3 ft Height (Ground Level to 2nd tier) = 4 ft, 4 in
Example Prices
We don't know what you have in mind for your design yet, but we can give you and idea of the listing the two extreme ends of the spectrum 'Bare Bones' & 'Bells and Whistles' for each Model's 'Chore Level' (frequency of watering). See below.

BASIC STRUCTURE ONLY: No Stain, No Sealant, No Corner Moulding, No Soil, No Mulch, No Plants
Wood Choice: Pressure - Treated Wood
PERMANENT! Non-mobile
Bells &

PRIME & FULLY LOADED: Stain, Sealant, Cast Iron Corner Moulding, Soil, Mulch, Plants
Wood Choice: Cypress or Cedar
Mobile, Self-Contained

Bells &